So this is the first post in what I hope to make a series of short silly coding projects. My goal is to entertain myself and others through coding stupid things.  Secondary goal is education.

This project was my attempt at coding a toaster using javascript in nodejs. The code is on github.

Things of note in this project. The toaster doesn't work that well. I tried to pattern it after the actual toaster that my parents had when I was a child.

I tried to use the ecma script 2015 (or es6 if you prefer) standards as best I could. I also tried to not use semi-colons because since javascript does ASI (automatic semi-colon insertion) anyways, and I'm not minimizing my code (though a good minifier should do good ASI) I should be fine.

Some things I like about ecma 2015 are, arrow functions, native promises, and some other third thing.

I'm using the latest version of nodejs which currently is 6.<something>

Arrow functions are like normal functions except they are different. Arrow functions don't change where the 'this' keyword points. Arrow functions are shorter. if I write:
function (x) { return x + 1 }
as an arrow function it can be simplified to:
x => x + 1
I like arrow functions.
A few more things about how to work with arrow functions (by example)
function Constructor(propertyValue)
{ = propertyValue
  this.exampleFunc = (param1, param2) => {
    let carl = param1.toLowerCase()
    carl += param2.toUpperCase()

    carl += // this will point where it's supposed to, even if the coder is dumb
    return carl


And I relize that this post probably isn't that great, but I plan on getting better at it, constructive feedback helps and I'll try and listen.