Recently I've become enamored with a newish language called Rust. The reasons I like rust are as follows.

The only things I don't like are related to it's age (It hit version 1.0 in May 2015).

I expect these things will improve a lot over time, and they are all actively being worked on.

Rust is going places. Mozilla (in collaboration with other tech company's such as Google) have been designing and will be implementing a new web standard for browsers called 'WebAssembly'. In the past (and currently) JavaScript is about the only language you can write browser code for. This changes with WebAssembly (WASM).

WASM allows you to write code from a compiled language and run it directly in the browser context. In some testing that has been done, the speed increase has been as high as 20x. Also compiled code is typically smaller than text. At openwest 2016, I heard from a developer for Mozilla that good candidates for WASM are compiled languages that do not use a garbage collector. So the languages I know that don't have a garbage collector are rust, c and c++.

Mozilla is using rust in firefox already. With memory safety being a big feature of rust and WebAssembly on the horizon, Rust has a bright future. I can already imagine new video game streaming services running directly in your browser, with games written in rust. With my infatuation with rust, it's probably going to be the only thing I talk about for the next year or so.